Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22 and there's a lot going on!

I missed a few days, but that's all right. This thing is really just for me, isn't it?

At work, I was offered a new position. It was a move down on the pay scale, and that's just fine with me. I hate where I am that much. Yes, that much. It wasn't much of a cut anyway. Twenty cents. No big deal since I recently received a raise in November.

So I'll start this new position in a couple of weeks and I cannot wait. No more doing what I do! Maybe my creativity will come back. I can tell you that the women I'll be working directly under won't like it. They have a thing against giving their minions a last break. You can bet your buttons that I'll be getting my last break.

I'm actively researching faiths. Right now it's Wicca, since I was into that before. It's refreshing and a little nervewracking to be looking into this again. I was the best person I could be when I was Wiccan without being held down by fear. It was freeing and full of love and light. That's what faith should be.

The biggest hindrance is finding an active forum upon which to speak to like-minded people. I could try Y!chats, but ... those are more often filled with people who want to be this or that for the wow factor, you know? Anyone who's been on Y!chats knows. And only too well.

I thought I'd put in a little update. So there it is. Good night, Moon.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Day 19 and I didn't do it yesterday

So I realized around 1pm that I forgot to blog. I wasn't about to drag myself up and write because I was so exhausted after working so hard the night before. Last night was a little better since I didn't have to drag ten times my weight or more around all of creation.

I get inspired by the strangest things sometimes. A passage in a book, a ripple in a lake, even a sudden thunderstorm. I'd really like a thunderstorm about now, but it's too cold for thunder and lightning. It sucks. I want spring to come to have those huge storms that make the creative juices just course through everything like shimmering gold wires. It's exhilarating.

I was greatly inspired by Inkheart. Not so much by City of Bones that I'm reading right now. Almost done with it, too. I picked up Sweep to read after it. It's about magic and witches and something akin to modern Wicca. I'm trying not to set the bar too high, being Wiccan myself. I know how easy it is to make those books seem really over-the-top.

Anyway. Inkheart. I know my current project is something I'd like to write, but then I think about my origins of that desire. Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles, Margaret Weis and Tracey Hickman's Dragonlance trilogy (which later had another one added on). Interview with the Vampire, the Vampire Lestat ... Dragons of - Autumn Twilight, Winter Night, Spring Dawning and later, Summer Flame. The book that I have line up has none of those things in it. No vampires (which is the current fad -- STILL), elves, dwarves, mages, knights, kings and queens, epic battles. Where is all of that? Where did it all go to?

Maybe I need to set aside Sweep and read up on those long-lost inspirations. Re-read the Vampire Chronicles that I own and purchase those I don't. Read that trilogy since I recently got them at a library book sale. My annotated chronicles, all three in a collector's edition cover, was destroyed. Not on purpose, so I'm not really angry about it.

I forgot my headphones downstairs. Damn.

All this planning... I need to write and write and then plan out the things behind the writing. That seems to work better for me. I can't just sit and plan it out or I'll get so enmeshed in the background that I won't want to write the story. It starts to sound boring. I have my husband upon whom I might bounce ideas but ... I don't know. I trust his opinion and I know he'll tell me if something doesn't work, but his personality is reserved when it comes to that kind of thing simply because I can get rather defensive. And I know I do. I just don't really know how to graciously accept criticism. But I have no idea where I'd get a writing buddy or whatever. A girl with the same interests as me. A girl that can be so brutally honest and shoot me down when I try to defend what I did and why I did it that way.

So I'm going to try that. When I first started writing, way back in 5th grade, I never planned anything and I wrote an entire trilogy a la RL Stine's Fear Street novels. Not the greatest thing, but I thought it was the best! The most important thing was that I finished it. And I haven't finished anything since. I've taken English classes and Creative Writing classes and that inner critic woke up and hasn't slept since the school bell first toned for Grammar.

How do I shut her up? How do I tell her that I don't want her around right now, that I want to just write and I'll come to her when I'm damned good and ready? It's not that easy for me. Not when everything was great and good and just the same as everyone else's?

What do I do? I'm not really sure. I just don't know.

SHUT UP, CRITIC. I DON'T NEED YOU RIGHT NOW. Let my creative juices flow like a squeezed tomato. Let them gush out in erratic patterns so the bowl of my mind can pick them up and swirl them into something delicious by adding the spice of dialogue!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Day 17 and I finished another book

A book that I'm reading, that is. Inkheart is done. Now I have to pick up the next one. Inkspell. The ending was totally different from the movie! Not sure which one I like better yet. I have to read the other two before I can decide. I know she makes it very difficult to like Dustfinger in the book. VERY difficult.

Am I being presumptuous in calling myself a practicing novelist? Sometimes I think so. But I guess it puts into perspective that this really is achievable. I just have to leave my current job before it kills me.

I think another part of it is that it's hard for me to accept praise. I thrive on it, thirst for it, want it more than even constructive criticism (which I know it's good for me in the slightest), but at the same time ... it's hard for me to accept it as truth.

Being a child of the 1980s, I was raised with positivity. Positivity to a fault. Everything was good even when it was hideously bad. Anything I did was just as good as that of my brother and sister, even if I thought what they did was strictly awful. So, raised on that, how am I to come to terms that people may genuinely like what I've done?

And how do I accept a compliment, anyway? If someone compliments my shirt, I tell them where I bought it and everything. My hair, I tell them what shampoo or hair products I used. What about writing? Do I tell them where I went to 7th grade? That's where I really got the urge to become a writer. Thanks to my teacher. Because she was an English teacher, I guess she had to tell the truth. She wasn't a friend, so she didn't feel ... like she HAD to like what I did. But she said I have promise and dialogue was my strongest point.

So now it's time for bed. I'm reading the Various now.

I am a practicing novelist. And my time to be amazing is now.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Day 16 means crepes

I used pre-made crepes but made the strawberry sauce myself. I also mixed marscapone cheese and cream cheese together for the filling and put fresh strawberries on top of it before rolling it up. I ate three. I'm going to fall into a sugar coma in a minute or two.

Other than that, everything is pretty normal. It's overcast which makes sleeping easier. I won't need to put anything over my eyes today! I just have to work until Tuesday morning, then I'm off for a couple of days before it starts all over again. I'm only working there for the dental insurance. Once that's done, I'm looking for another job.

Cheez-It party mix is awesome, by the way. If you haven't tried it, I'd highly suggest you did!

Fuzzy pajama pants are like clouds. Fluffy, airy clouds that you wear on your legs. It makes walking easier. Though it's making me really tired. Not to mention my husband nuzzling my face and kissing my cheeks. So tired.

I know it's a short one, but I need to go to sleep. It feels like it's 1pm! But it's only ten in the morning. I've been reading Inkheart and it's actually really good. I like it better that the movie. Capricorn in the book is very pale with fair hair. In the movie, he's played by Mr Bean, I think. Totally not the same. Also, Mo is very well-spoken, and Brenden Frazier didn't do a great job with that part. But the Mo in the book wouldn't make good American film.

Good night, Moon. I hope I find my faith.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15 and I'm doing stuff

I designed another two characters for my novel. One is a girl and one is a boy. They're both coming along nicely, though it's a sketch with a blurb and the boy is a half-done sketch.

Dinner was pretty blech. Chinese food that ended up being rather gross. I don't think I'll be ordering from there anymore. I'll just get it from the other place from now on. At least they give me white rice and their sweet and sour doesn't have pineapple, onions and peppers in it. Not to mention the sauce is actually edible and the egg drop soup isn't radioactive orange.

Inkheart is going slowly. I'm not racing through it like Percy Jackson because there isn't as much action or dialogue.

Did I ever say that I hate Judith from Two and a Half Men? I can't stand that character and I don't see how the creators can see how she makes the show better. I mean ... Getting alimony and child support PLUS footing Alan with the bill for expensive shoes, class trips and HER AAA car insurance. That just makes me want to turn the television off.

I'm going to go work on my confidence a little. It's daunting to actually use the journal. I bought it the other day and still haven't started it, afraid of what people would think if they read it. Isn't that stupid? A thing about being confident and I'm not confident enough to use the journal. It's like I'm afraid to be strong.

I guess we'll see.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Day 14 again

Since I missed yesterday, I'm posting again. But I have to go to bed since we stayed up way too late running errands.

Finished Percy Jackson. The Last Olympian. It was a really nice climax, but I guessed the ending. I don't know if I would've been able to resist the immortality thing if I wasn't with my husband. It's a double-edged sword, isn't it? Serving the Greek Gods and yet ... everyone you love dies. An endless pain.

My mom said I should be an herbalist. But that doesn't really have much to do with faith. Holistic, metaphysical.. all those things about herbs are easy to learn and memorize. But I really want an unshakable faith. That's the hard part.

Day 14 and I missed one

I'm so disappointed in myself! I missed a day because I went to sleep and didn't get up from when I set the alarm. Darnit!!

Well. So here I am and I'll crunch a bunch of stuff in here before I post.

I bought the last 2 books of the Percy Jackson series. I'm on the fifth and final book of the series. I'm kind of sad to see it go, but I also got Inkheart. The movie was great and I wanted to see how different the book is from the film.

We went to the dentist and then to a little bakery catty-cornered to the dentist's office. Great Harvest Bakery. I got some soup mix and some Virginia Savory bread. It smells delicious. I'll probably put it into the oven for a bit before eating it so get it warm and melty with the butter stuff on top.

I got a book about confidence. Even though I blog, I don't have a lot of confidence. There's a certain amount of anonymity in blogging that protects the person behind it, even from the people they know. Sometimes. It's ... actually pretty helpful, even though I don't normally look at self-help books.

I've started calling myself a novelist. It kind of makes the dream seem more real. Calling myself anything else would diminish it. But telling people I'm a novelist makes it seem like it can really happen. So I'm trying to psych myself up for it. It's working so far.

Cornish hens to go with the soup. Mushroom and Wild Rice soup and herb-crusted cornish hens. It smells so good right now and I'm excited to eat them with the savory bread. I think I'll make the rolls instead of the loaf I bought.

I'm on facebook, though you won't find me under Goldie. I play Restaurant City, Castle Age and Kingdoms of Camelot more often. I play Farmville, Country Story, some other farm games... It gets a little tedious, but I admit that RC is my favorite one out of all of them.

I can't really think of anything else to write about, but I'll blog again today to make up for missing yesterday. Gosh, that irritates me. Oh well.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day Twelve and I'm reading a lot more

I actually became inspired at work today and wrote a bunch about the main civilization in my upcoming book. That feels good. Upcoming. Like it's actually going to be published. It could be.

Anyway. I wrote out some stuff for about a half an hour altogether. Details and vague things about this and that to do with my people. It was ... a little daunting to be putting it on paper. If I plan too much, I get choked up. Maybe I'm afraid of success, I don't know. It could be.

I drew some more pictures of the main character, who is a girl. But not your typical "I'm going to prove myself better than the boys" type of girl. I don't want to teach girls to do things just to prove themselves "better" than the boys. They shouldn't have to feel that way, in the first place. A bit more than a little utopian, I'm sure.

I finished "Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book Two: The Sea of Monsters". Read it, too, in a day. They're enjoyable, but I do get irritated sometimes about the sequence. Here it is:

Bad, bad, bad, good-wait-no-bad, bad bad, kind of good, bad, bad, bad, good -- NOT, bad, bad, good, bad, bad, bad, good. And the ending? Usually lukewarm. It's not good or bad in the sense of bad luck v. good luck. It's just ... annoying to read about all of these bad things happening and the kid can't seem to get a break. Come one! I like drama and everything as much as the next girl, but constantly? I enjoy my happy endings, thanks. But anymore, they seem wishy-washy and a lot of authors don't want to write them. Like an unhappy ending is the only way to get anyone to read anything anymore.

I'm going to bring back the happy ending. And I'm going to do it with ...

Nope, not gonna tell any specifics. I'm so freakin' paranoid about it. But I'm going to do it. I'm going to help make the happy ending good again. In fashion. En Vogue. America's Next Top Model will be hailing me as bringing happy endings back on to runways in Paris, Milan, South Africa, London, Tokyo... And I'll be there talking to the girls about how to get into character.

Sure, you can talk to an actress, but good and true acting is becoming a rare thing anymore. There's no passion. No fire and no drive to just do a movie to do it. Take away all the too-big paychecks and how many actors would continue doing it for the love of the craft? I bet I can count them on half a hand and they'd all be over the age of 50.

Tell me I'm wrong.

I mean... Gossip Girl? I tried to read the book, really. I thought there had to be something to it if everyone liked it. But it was shallow, degrading and just horrifyingly vapid. I stopped reading it. Hell, I even returned the book to the store where I had purchased it within the hour. I have never done that before. And I suffered through books 1 and 2 of Twilight. Yes, I put myself through that, but not even my Constitution could save me from book 3. I think I rolled a negative number on my Fortitude Save. Poisoned. It was awful.

With that loving D&D reference, I am going to take a nap and then go see the new Sherlock Holmes movie with my husband and mother-in-law. It'll be fun! Expensive, but fun.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Day Eleven -- chocolate, anyone?

Cravings. I get them.

Chocolate-filled chocolate chip cookies. Double-chocolate Milano. White chocolate macadamia nut. Cool Ranch Doritos. Sour candy. Cornbread. Beef stew. I just get these cravings and I HAVE to have them. So I get them. Most of the time.

As I'm writing, I'm eating one of those chocolate-filled things from Nestle Tollhouse. Have you ever had those? Startlingly delicious. But I overcooked them just a wee bit.

I finished "Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightning Thief." Took me less than a day because there's a lot of dialogue. It's very chaotic. I didn't get to know the characters as much as I would've liked, but it's a big series, as far as some YA series go. I'll be starting book two as soon as I'm done here. Or maybe I'll play some Cooking Mama 3: Shop and Chop.

I'm big into makeup. Eyeshadow and lipgloss, mostly. I got some new stuff from Maybelline NY. A shiny new lipgloss. Shine Sensational or something like that. Sweet Treat, I think is the color. And it tastes and smells like so many different candies! The other is one of their new shadow pallets. In green. I already have their gold one and it's beautiful! It's that new plush line. I just need a case to fit all my makeup in. It doesn't fit! Ugh.

Well, that's enough for now, I think. I'm itching to read or play a game. Oh, and Victoria Hanley accepted my friend request on Facebook. Sure, she has 302 friends. But I'm one of them.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Day Ten -- uh

Not a lot to say. My husband went out to find white chocolate macadamia nut cookies and was gone an hour. Just to get those cookies because my mother-in-law and I wanted them. Just think how it'll be if I ever get pregnant! He'll scour the whole city to find taiyaki for me. Mmm.. taiyaki.

I picked up the first three volumes of The Olympians. I'm afraid to read them right now because they're all in first person and I'm trying to write a book in third. I'm afraid it'll mess with my narrative voice. It usually does. Hm.

So, yeah. There's not really much else going on. We have to go to the dentist on Wednesday. Fun, fun. But you know what? Guess what happened.

My dad called to say hi.

Do you know how amazing that is? It's spectacular! He called to say HI. HI. That was the best thing ever. EVER. We talked for almost half an hour and that's something of a record, really, for us. Usually we talk for a minute or two and he passes the phone on to Mom. But Dad. He called me. HE called ME. Just to say hi!

That's not to say I don't have a good relationship with my dad. I do. It's the best thing ever. I'll forever be a Daddy's Girl, honestly. And I wouldn't change that for anything. Being in the Navy, he wasn't around a lot. So we didn't go to him as often as we did Mom. Then again, that sort of thing never really occurred to us, going to Dad because he was home. We were so used to going to Mom that we never thought to wonder if it hurt Dad to do that.

Now we live three hours apart and he calls me. Calls me for no reason at all other than to say hello and see what's up in my life. It's the highlight of my day, really. I was glowing when I got off the phone.

So there's my good thing for today. A couple of them. Cookies! Dad calling! It's a wonderful day even though work sucked. But work always sucks. We'll have to see what tonight brings, hm?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Day Nine with a head injury

So I was clocked last night by a piece of falling plastic. It hit me on the left side of my head and I'm still feeling it. Okay, so it happened this morning about six hours ago, around 7am. It happened when my husband and I rammed it and it broke. Did I ever tell you we worked together? I enjoy it.

Watched some ANTM. My guilty pleasure. Okay, so not really guilty. I tell everyone I watch it and now I tell the world! It's the cycle that Caridee wins.

All of the Star Trek ships, the Enterprises, look the same to me. I adore Trek, dislike Wars, and all the ships look the same! My husband is always giving me flak for it, too. What if he knew I sometimes said it just so he could go on one of his techie rants? I love those. I love when he talks nerdy to me.

Now it's time for bed. I know it's a short blog, but I'm feeling awful. My head has a dull hurt and I feel a little disoriented still. Maybe it'll be better by tonight at work. I can only hope so.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Day Eight -- almost didn't make it

Today I'm just blogging to keep up the pattern. My stomach is full of bloated rice, my cat is already asleep, my other cat is dozing on the heating vent, and my husband is reading his book. He's almost done.

I finished reading another book. "The Seer and the Sword" by Hanley again. Finished it in one day. And now I'm going to go to sleep dreaming of oracles and princes who yearn for peace. And my husband, who is my prince and yearns for peace in many things. Sometimes I wish I could be an oracle. But I'm sure that would just suck. Tarot cards are bad enough, aren't they?

I meant to work on another story idea, but ... I actually did lose track of time this time. Cooking and watching Two and a Half Men took up a bunch. Not to mention I didn't get home until almost 830 or past. Probably past. Before I knew it, it was 10am. Now it's almost 1230 and I have to go to work tonight, out the door by 915 so we don't have to rush on slushy and icy roads to get there in time.

Well, maybe I can write for a little bit, hm?


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Day seven -- is this getting old yet?

So I pigged out on Ramen, made some concoction with chicken and rice and cream of mushroom soup. Guzzled about a gallon of coffee and paid the rent. One of these things is not like the other. I hate paying rent. Hate it. The money just kind of goes no where, doesn't it?

And now ... it's nearing bedtime. A shower felt good and hot since there's about four inches of snow on the ground. It's powdery and we walked through it a few times to pay the rent. There and back again (to get a pen) and there and back again. Then my husband, William, went out to walk the dog. Tiring, right?

Holed up in the bedroom, it's getting more and more comfortable. I almost forgot to do this, but I wanted to see how long I could keep up with this blog thing. I've started quite a lot of them. LiveJournal was my first, then Wordpress and Blogger before you could use your gmail thing to log in. I've lost track of how many I've started. They've all been pretty much just ... my random thought processes. But I guess that that's what journalling is. Writing down your thoughts as they come. The biggest difference is that blogs are online journals that everyone can see.

I don't know how many people actually write out their deepest dreams on here.

What's my dream? There are a few. But right now, I'm at a loss.

I don't have stellar talent with drawing or writing, no matter how much I wish for both (or either one at this point). As I get closer to thirty, I wonder if I'll be either one. A novelist or an artist. Both would, theoretically, mean I'd have to go back to school. English or art. But I'm not a fan of drawing what everyone else tells me to do. And the world isn't kind to Americans who do their best to draw in anime/manga style. Which is okay, really. Only not really.

Since the influx of anime and manga over on this side of the ocean, a lot of artists (the snooty kind) frown upon anyone that isn't Asian and tries to draw in that style. To me, art is art. Even if it means a guy can get famous drawing naked women straddling giant reptiles. Hello, Vallejo. My name is Goldie. You're a great artist, but the content leaves a lot to be desired in my social circle of one. Thanks, man.

As it is, I mostly draw random character designs of people I'll never do anything with. I don't really draw fanart. Why? Well, it's mostly because I can't really do anything with it. Though I suppose drawing fanart of different anime would help me find my own style, I just end up emulating it almost completely.

I guess I'll find out where I belong sometime. Hopefully while I'm still functioning enough to enjoy it, to be honest.

Reading fills me with a sense of wonder. This thing came out of one person's imagination. It was honed by the editors and appreciated by the readers. Will I ever do something like that? I want to make something where the characters will be remembered, even if I'm not. I'd rather they live on than myself. After all, they can go in for the long haul, since they're somewhat immortal and I'm ... not.

Is it an impossible dream? Like the X-Men statue with Gambit and Rogue kissing. Will I make it through the Forest of Indecision and come out the other side with an idea of what it is I'm going to do? I can only hope so.

But to hone my writing capabilities, I actually need to write. Even if I think it's total crap, it might be good to someone else. Look at Twilight. I think it's total crap, but a lot of people believe it's very good. Haunting even. Me? I could live without Edward the Teenage Stalker and Bella the Suicidal Tramp. But you know. I'm not 78% of the teenage population.

So I'll end it here for now. Day Seven is looking somewhat bright. I don't have to be at work tonight until 11p. And it's still snowing. My mother-in-law is badgering us to get another battery for our car. Hers is a convertible, so not really made to drive in the snow.

What she doesn't know is that our little Vibe doesn't have a heater. I'm not really all that excited to sit outside, smoking a cigarette, in a car without heat.

As an aside, I think it's silly that all these places are making it illegal to smoke indoors. I even thought that way when I was a non-smoker. If I owned a place and the government told me I can or can't do something? Let's just say that I'd be sending them my property tax bill as well as any mortgage I might have on my building.

Take that, Uncle Sam.

Ah well. 2010, let's see if we can't work together to make this a wonderful year for us both.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day Six and I'm tired

So it's my second day off, and I don't work at all tonight, either. It's been a while since I've had two full days off, to be honest. I didn't know what to do with myself for a while today.

I write this as my cat, Coffee, whines. She's just now hissed and ran away. That cat is pissy that way, let me tell you.

I lay down earlier and read a bunch of Half Prince. It's a comic that I've been reading online and enjoying it very much. There are actually some twists! I just want the main character to end up with Gui. Long story that I'll save for another post. If I wake up in time today, I'll do two. If not, I'll write about it tomorrow.

I play an MMORPG called Perfect World International. I'm on the Dreamweaver server, though my characters are kind of numerous. It's not as open as some of the others I've played. Like LotRO. People don't really seem to randomly talk to one another, though that may just be the server that I'm on. I made it a point not to go to the new server.

The quest system of PWI is convoluted. I can't really navigate them very well. The classes are race and gender restricted. Clerics have to be winged elves. The Venomancer can only be a female Untamed (which is a beast type people). I have a Venomancer, Cleric, Assassin (tideborn female), blademaster and a wizard. I had an archer but I didn't really enjoy them very much. Again, archers can only be winged elves.

So now you all know I'm an avid gamer. I love video games. Almost strictly RPG-types. I like the character depth, the storylines... like the Tales series, Final Fantasy, and all of those.

But now it's time for a nap. My feet are like little icecubes and my cats and husband are ready to hunker down for a little wint'ry hibernation.

See you on the waking end.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day five and still truckin'

I might even blog twice today! We may go and see Sherlock Holmes later at the theatre, but we'll see if we're all awake enough to do it today or should wait until tomorrow.

I just finished (literally just a bit ago) "The Light of the Oracle" by Victoria Hanley. I was dubious at first since most books with a girl as the main character (especially fantasy) truck the girl as wanting to prove herself better than the boys for other people. She rarely just wants to prove she can do these things just for herself.

"Light" is about a girl named Bryn. There are prophecies, love interests, murders, rivalries. It's a really great read. I enjoyed the Bird-Chosen bit, too. Each boy and girl are made to walk between some stones and receive bird feathers according to a secret power. Owl-chosens can immediately know the power of all the other Bird-Chosens when they're used in his or her presence. Swan-chosen (in this case, black swan) are apparently really good and prophecies. This particular black swan guy can talk with animals, in a sense.

Vulture-chosens are associated with the god of death, Keldes. They can cast unbreakable curses which, of course, can actually be broken. Cardinal-chosens are good prophets, but I don't know what else. Then there are the wind-chosen ones. As if by an unspoken rule of fantasy main characters, Bryn is wind-chosen. Shocking. But curses fly around and are broken in what reminds me of astral projection in your internal sacred space.

I'm glad I checked out her other two books. I'm going to start one later today! I wonder what bird I would get? Not all children are chosen, either. Sometimes prophecy isn't for them, so birds never come to them to bestow a feather. It's kind of neat how to book ended, though I wasn't expecting so much death. Most YA novels tend to not have to much murder and death as this one did. It was rather refreshing.

I liked how Bryn is really easy to relate to. She has her flaws, but they're not so overpronounced as to say "I'M A FLAW!!" They're perfectly done. This woman has some great talent.

On to other news. I cleaned a lot last night at work. And it was okay since I had my cell phone with me and could listen to music. It's the Intrigue by Verizon. It has a touchscreen lid and you can fast-forward songs or pause them. It can play music with the top half closed. I like that. The quality of the tiny speaker isn't that bad, either.

It's apparent I'm very glad to have a night off. And a day off! Two of them in a row! I didn't have a day off last week, but what can you do when you work two jobs. I don't really complain much, but since I'm only seasonal help, I'm not sure if B&N will keep me past my allotted time. I can only hope halfheartedly that they do. The other half would be glad not to work two jobs, but I'd rather go full time at B&N and quit my night job.

Slowly, so slowly, I'm learning to cast off the rigors of overnights and try my best at plumping my creativity to actually write a novel. I get home and I'm so exhausted from killing myself at night that I just want to fall into bed and wake up 48 hours later. Of course I can't do that. Which is why I have to write a bestseller and make a lot of money doing something I love.

I just wish I had more trusted people on which to unload my idea and get some feedback. I've had one that was uncertain about it, but certain it would do well. The other is excited and wants to read it once it's done. The thing about completing a novel is that you have to start it to begin with. Funny how that works.

I have plans to clean up the bedroom one of these two days off this week. Put clothes away and throw out boxes. I have to go through my book collection and pull out the ones I hate. I tend to keep things just because they were figts, even if I don't particularly like the things. It most happens with clothes. I have a lot of clothes. Tons of clothes.

Anyone need any clothes?

As it is, I'm going to read a bit of a manga (1/2 Prince), smoke a Camel Wide and then ... who knows!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day Four and I'm getting the hang of it

Day four is being scribed (or scirbed, as I almost wrote) in a haze of drowsiness. I'm exhausted and about ready to fall off to sleep. I had my smoke and I'm feeling the swath of Morpheus descending upon me.

Did anyone ever notice how people sometimes don't match their name? Or how some of us base our opinions solely on names. You don't call Tom Cruise "Tom", Sam Elliot "Sam". Will Smith isn't just "Will." He's Will Smith. Always with a last name. Sarah Jessica Parker and Sarah Michelle Gellar are both Sarah, but not just Sarah.

I work with some people with names like Natasha, Minerva, Carlotta. Then there will always been Delores, Nikki, Misty and Natalie. But there are also Linda and Gale. A whole slew of names. Even the boys have names like Gabe and Napoleon, John and Gary and Wayne. You see a name and a face floats in front of your eyes before you even meet them.

Funny how that happens.

I married a man named William. You hear William and you think of what? An old-fashioned name full of strength and power behind it, tradition and goodness. Perhaps. And he is. He's all of those things. But he's also weirdly intelligent, hilariously off the cuff and a thoughtful person. He listens to his TV shows online with the earphones turned up too loud; he eats bacon sandwiches by the fistful. And I love him for it. I don't know anyone else who just eats bacon and bread and calls it a meal. That's my man.

My father's name is David. That's his middle name and the name by which he was called growing up. At one job I use my first name (because they had already had the name tag made up before I could tell them otherwise) and at the other I use my middle name. It's more artsy than my first. More renegade bookseller, I guess.

Not sure why I went on a whole tangent about names. I was just thinking that the typical Natasha is the Russian spy from Rocky and Bullwinkle. But Natasha is a sweet girl with a wild streak that likes hugs and dancing in the middle of the stockroom to "Somebody to Love" by Queen. She likes my hugs and gets them whenever she can.

Yesterday my husband and I went on a date. This was in the afternoon. We saw the Squeakuel to the first Chipmunk movie. It was great! But I was disappointed that "The Girls of Rock and Roll" wasn't performed. I don't know why and I haven't looked it up on the Net yet. But I played it on my cellphone on the way to the car in the parkinglot. Yes, I have Nickleback right next to the Chipmunks and Chipettes.

Not much by the way of the novel just yet. I'm still planning in fits and starts. But this week I only work one job so I'll actually have two days off. Two full days off. Instead of getting off work at the fulltime and rushing to the parttime, I get to laze about all day, take a nap or three, then do the same on Wednesday. I'm excited about it even though I adore my parttime job a lot more than my fulltime.

I hope to crack open my new KH game on one of my days off. As long as I'm not too distracted by everything else going on at home, I'll have to do that. I never finished 1.5 (the GBA one, Chain of Memories, though it's still in the slot on the DS) and it looks like I'll be playing something kind of like a sequel to that. Not quite 1.5, not quite 2. Who knows the fraction.

It's too late in my day to be doing math, thank you very much.

It's off to bed for me. My cat is already getting a head start on the whole bed thing and I believe I'm going to join her.

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Day Three and I kind of want to blog

Maybe it's weird to actually want to put thoughts up for anyone to read. But it's oddly liberating to just put it up there. I thought about it earlier as I sat in the bathroom, contemplating the bad night at work. I just want to smoke, blog, then go to sleep.

So far, I've eaten Chinese food, watched ANTM and smoked a few. Now I'm blogging. I might read more of "The Dragon Heir" or I might work on my own little project. Don't know yet. "Dragon Heir" is becoming really bogged down in super-intrigue. There's so much that the characters themselves are taking a back seat to their ambitions.

So the new coffee maker I got is amazing. It's a 12-cup that I can actually program. And stuff. I just love it. The coffee also brews hotter, which makes me think my old one of almost 8 years had the heating element going out. I found myself nuking (eugh) my java just after it brewed. And I don't put a lot of stuff into it.

Did I ever say I worked at a coffeeshop before? I did. For two years. I do miss it more than I would care to admit. And especially compared to my overnight job. It's freezing there and I just don't want to stay up all night anymore. I find more and more every day that I enjoy the sunshine, even if it's snow-- okay, it's stopped snowing now.

I'm actually downstairs on my desktop rather than cozied up in my bed on the laptop. I can look through the little arches that separate me from the livingroom and see the Christmas tree we've yet to take down, then the sliding glass doors beyond. The world is dreary, but it's a cheerful and bright kind of dreariness. It's blinding out there, but I know it's only about 4 F outside.

ANTM is the episode with the roaches. Jade goes t ofreak out Gina, and I feel really bad for Gina. Hm. Jade gets on my nerves.

I've gone from Dorals to Camel Wides. Work was out of Dorals, so I had to switch to something, but I find I like the Wides better anyway. Oh, it's snowing again. Such a sparkly kind of dry snow. Too cold for anything else, really.

I'm hungry and I kind of want to make those cupcakes I thought about last night, but it's getting late. Even though I would love to eat a warm cupcake with whipped vanilla frosting. I was thinking of putting the chocolate mix on the bottom, then the yellow on top, and switch it up for the others.

I think I'm gonna go and lie down. It might be about time for that. But I suddenly don't want to go to sleep. Ugh. My husband is working on his starships. Maybe I should do something creative. Perhaps drag out those posing books we got and draw a little. Thinking about creativity drains me right now.

Good night, world. I don't want to go to work tonight. Or any night at this job. It's horrid. Awful.

But I'll wake up to the smell of coffee that I don't have to consciously wait for. As long as I remember to set it.

That's the kicker.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Day two almost didn't happen

So I'm a little lazy. I admit it. Though I'll backspace to fix any and all spelling errors I catch, it was almost too much to just sit (or lay) down and type up the blog itself. Hooooo boy.

Anyway. My creative juices seem to have hit a dry spot. Some sort of ... drought. A drought of juices, maybe. Whatever it is, it ain't comin'. And it sucks.

I work my rear-end off at my third-shift job, come home and mess around on Facebook with farming and such, then I sit in front of the TV to unwind with Tyra and the drama queens of ANTM. By the time I'm relaxed enough from pulling merchandise that weighs 50x more than me, I'm exhausted and I just want to go upstairs and go to bed. And sleep. And sleep and sleep. But if I call in again, I'm sacked.

Not that I think that's a bad thing, really. I'd rather be fired than quit. I can at least draw unemployment for a bit before I land another job. But they seem almost reluctant to fire me, no matter if I slack off on purpose or bust my chops trying to get everything done.

Rant time! I'll let you know when I'm done.

It just gets my goat that the shifts in the daytime can use the customer flow as an excuse to not getting everything done. The thing is ... customers come in EVERY DAY. Shouldn't they be expecting it by now? You know around a certain time there's going to be a massive influx of people. So just go a little faster a little earlier and there won't be as much of a problem.

Not to mention you won't be pushing all the crap you didn't finish on me. And don't ever use the excuse that you were by yourself for however-many hours before you left. Not ever. Seriously. I'm by myself every night stocking this stuff and I get more work done. I wanted to write that in a note and leave it so bad, but ... they might frown on that.

Unless I'm trying to get fired, then perhaps ...

End rant.

So. I ate two eggs, two hashbrowns, three sausage patties, a hamburger and an English Muffin for breakfast. It was damn good. Whew! Normally I wouldn't finish it, but pulling around those hulking pallets of stuff that people don't really need kind of burns off calories. I ate it about two hours ago. And I'm hungry again. I also had a cup of coffee and some strawberries. The strawberries helped cut through the proteiny goodness of the meats.

I need to find a way to get my creativity back. Just finished book two of a series by Chima. The Wizard Heir was surprisingly good. Though it did move slow at times and that irritated the piss out of me, I really enjoyed it for the most part. I have #3 from the library but I forgot to bring it upstairs.

Though I should go to bed before 1p so I can get up and give my hair a good scrubbin' before work tonight. Where I'll just have to repeat what I did last night. And the night before that. And ... I just don't want to work there anymore. Seriously. No one cares about what they do and it shows. Bleh. If I keep going on that tangent, it'll just wind up as another rant. I've already put everyone (including myself) through a rant and I don't need to do it again.

So with this brilliant little nugget of joy, I'm going to light up, slam another nail into my coffin and go to bed. That sounds nice. Though I kinda wish I remembered where I stuck my DS. I'll look for it later.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year

It's January The First. It's the day that goals are set. Tomorrow is the day that they're promptly ignored.

So I'm starting a blog. Which I'll also likely promptly ignore tomorrow. But we'll see.

As you can see, my name is Goldie. Not my real name, but it was going to be. If my dad hadn't decided that it was too weird, I would have been Goldie. So I'm keeping it.

I'm also a wife, mother of two cats, a daughter, sister, daughter-in-law, and a friend (at least I like to think so) to a few people. Maybe more than I realize.

I'm also a practicing novelist. As the title of this blog says.

What am I going to do with a blog. I could do automatic writing, like I am now. But I think I'll do a little more.

My hobbies have been taking a backseat to Facebook lately. And while I still like feeding my people on Restaurant City, subsequently getting pissed off that they don't have anything I need for sale, then saving and closing. I like Farmville and Country.. something. A few Country Somethings, really. Castle Age, Fish Isle, and some other useless games... it's time to step back from it. Do something else.

Like reading.

I want to write out reviews for books I've read recently, am reading currently, or just discuss what I want to read. I also want to pick up my DS and play some farming sims on there! Hellooooo, Harvest Moon Sunshine Islands! I still need to open up Kingdom Hearts 365/2 days or whatever it is. Then I want to get Cooking Mama 3. And find my little game folio thing with the other cartridges in it. I just have a DSLite. HM: SI is in it right now with KH: Chain of Memories in the GBA slot. But I do have Pokemon. Several of them.

So I may share some fleeting glimpses into my actual novel ideas, but I'm really paranoid about them. I don't want them stolen or snagged before I can do anything with them. But we'll have to see. For now, I'm writing the ideas down in a leather journal I got at 50% off at Barnes & Noble where I work part-time. It has Grecian art on it. Fitting, really, for what's going inside of it. Only I guess not really fitting.

Well, with my cat slowly falling asleep at the foot of the bed, I'll send this off to join the other millions of blogs out there. If you've read it, thank you! If not, thanks for the hit anyway! And those that don't read it, don't look at it, don't even know it exists -- well, there's nothing really to say since you won't read it anyway.

But to everyone.. have a really Happy New Year. It'll be a year where lots of dreams will be realized and many more will actually come true.