Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day five and still truckin'

I might even blog twice today! We may go and see Sherlock Holmes later at the theatre, but we'll see if we're all awake enough to do it today or should wait until tomorrow.

I just finished (literally just a bit ago) "The Light of the Oracle" by Victoria Hanley. I was dubious at first since most books with a girl as the main character (especially fantasy) truck the girl as wanting to prove herself better than the boys for other people. She rarely just wants to prove she can do these things just for herself.

"Light" is about a girl named Bryn. There are prophecies, love interests, murders, rivalries. It's a really great read. I enjoyed the Bird-Chosen bit, too. Each boy and girl are made to walk between some stones and receive bird feathers according to a secret power. Owl-chosens can immediately know the power of all the other Bird-Chosens when they're used in his or her presence. Swan-chosen (in this case, black swan) are apparently really good and prophecies. This particular black swan guy can talk with animals, in a sense.

Vulture-chosens are associated with the god of death, Keldes. They can cast unbreakable curses which, of course, can actually be broken. Cardinal-chosens are good prophets, but I don't know what else. Then there are the wind-chosen ones. As if by an unspoken rule of fantasy main characters, Bryn is wind-chosen. Shocking. But curses fly around and are broken in what reminds me of astral projection in your internal sacred space.

I'm glad I checked out her other two books. I'm going to start one later today! I wonder what bird I would get? Not all children are chosen, either. Sometimes prophecy isn't for them, so birds never come to them to bestow a feather. It's kind of neat how to book ended, though I wasn't expecting so much death. Most YA novels tend to not have to much murder and death as this one did. It was rather refreshing.

I liked how Bryn is really easy to relate to. She has her flaws, but they're not so overpronounced as to say "I'M A FLAW!!" They're perfectly done. This woman has some great talent.

On to other news. I cleaned a lot last night at work. And it was okay since I had my cell phone with me and could listen to music. It's the Intrigue by Verizon. It has a touchscreen lid and you can fast-forward songs or pause them. It can play music with the top half closed. I like that. The quality of the tiny speaker isn't that bad, either.

It's apparent I'm very glad to have a night off. And a day off! Two of them in a row! I didn't have a day off last week, but what can you do when you work two jobs. I don't really complain much, but since I'm only seasonal help, I'm not sure if B&N will keep me past my allotted time. I can only hope halfheartedly that they do. The other half would be glad not to work two jobs, but I'd rather go full time at B&N and quit my night job.

Slowly, so slowly, I'm learning to cast off the rigors of overnights and try my best at plumping my creativity to actually write a novel. I get home and I'm so exhausted from killing myself at night that I just want to fall into bed and wake up 48 hours later. Of course I can't do that. Which is why I have to write a bestseller and make a lot of money doing something I love.

I just wish I had more trusted people on which to unload my idea and get some feedback. I've had one that was uncertain about it, but certain it would do well. The other is excited and wants to read it once it's done. The thing about completing a novel is that you have to start it to begin with. Funny how that works.

I have plans to clean up the bedroom one of these two days off this week. Put clothes away and throw out boxes. I have to go through my book collection and pull out the ones I hate. I tend to keep things just because they were figts, even if I don't particularly like the things. It most happens with clothes. I have a lot of clothes. Tons of clothes.

Anyone need any clothes?

As it is, I'm going to read a bit of a manga (1/2 Prince), smoke a Camel Wide and then ... who knows!

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