Monday, January 4, 2010

Day Four and I'm getting the hang of it

Day four is being scribed (or scirbed, as I almost wrote) in a haze of drowsiness. I'm exhausted and about ready to fall off to sleep. I had my smoke and I'm feeling the swath of Morpheus descending upon me.

Did anyone ever notice how people sometimes don't match their name? Or how some of us base our opinions solely on names. You don't call Tom Cruise "Tom", Sam Elliot "Sam". Will Smith isn't just "Will." He's Will Smith. Always with a last name. Sarah Jessica Parker and Sarah Michelle Gellar are both Sarah, but not just Sarah.

I work with some people with names like Natasha, Minerva, Carlotta. Then there will always been Delores, Nikki, Misty and Natalie. But there are also Linda and Gale. A whole slew of names. Even the boys have names like Gabe and Napoleon, John and Gary and Wayne. You see a name and a face floats in front of your eyes before you even meet them.

Funny how that happens.

I married a man named William. You hear William and you think of what? An old-fashioned name full of strength and power behind it, tradition and goodness. Perhaps. And he is. He's all of those things. But he's also weirdly intelligent, hilariously off the cuff and a thoughtful person. He listens to his TV shows online with the earphones turned up too loud; he eats bacon sandwiches by the fistful. And I love him for it. I don't know anyone else who just eats bacon and bread and calls it a meal. That's my man.

My father's name is David. That's his middle name and the name by which he was called growing up. At one job I use my first name (because they had already had the name tag made up before I could tell them otherwise) and at the other I use my middle name. It's more artsy than my first. More renegade bookseller, I guess.

Not sure why I went on a whole tangent about names. I was just thinking that the typical Natasha is the Russian spy from Rocky and Bullwinkle. But Natasha is a sweet girl with a wild streak that likes hugs and dancing in the middle of the stockroom to "Somebody to Love" by Queen. She likes my hugs and gets them whenever she can.

Yesterday my husband and I went on a date. This was in the afternoon. We saw the Squeakuel to the first Chipmunk movie. It was great! But I was disappointed that "The Girls of Rock and Roll" wasn't performed. I don't know why and I haven't looked it up on the Net yet. But I played it on my cellphone on the way to the car in the parkinglot. Yes, I have Nickleback right next to the Chipmunks and Chipettes.

Not much by the way of the novel just yet. I'm still planning in fits and starts. But this week I only work one job so I'll actually have two days off. Two full days off. Instead of getting off work at the fulltime and rushing to the parttime, I get to laze about all day, take a nap or three, then do the same on Wednesday. I'm excited about it even though I adore my parttime job a lot more than my fulltime.

I hope to crack open my new KH game on one of my days off. As long as I'm not too distracted by everything else going on at home, I'll have to do that. I never finished 1.5 (the GBA one, Chain of Memories, though it's still in the slot on the DS) and it looks like I'll be playing something kind of like a sequel to that. Not quite 1.5, not quite 2. Who knows the fraction.

It's too late in my day to be doing math, thank you very much.

It's off to bed for me. My cat is already getting a head start on the whole bed thing and I believe I'm going to join her.

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