Friday, January 15, 2010

Day 15 and I'm doing stuff

I designed another two characters for my novel. One is a girl and one is a boy. They're both coming along nicely, though it's a sketch with a blurb and the boy is a half-done sketch.

Dinner was pretty blech. Chinese food that ended up being rather gross. I don't think I'll be ordering from there anymore. I'll just get it from the other place from now on. At least they give me white rice and their sweet and sour doesn't have pineapple, onions and peppers in it. Not to mention the sauce is actually edible and the egg drop soup isn't radioactive orange.

Inkheart is going slowly. I'm not racing through it like Percy Jackson because there isn't as much action or dialogue.

Did I ever say that I hate Judith from Two and a Half Men? I can't stand that character and I don't see how the creators can see how she makes the show better. I mean ... Getting alimony and child support PLUS footing Alan with the bill for expensive shoes, class trips and HER AAA car insurance. That just makes me want to turn the television off.

I'm going to go work on my confidence a little. It's daunting to actually use the journal. I bought it the other day and still haven't started it, afraid of what people would think if they read it. Isn't that stupid? A thing about being confident and I'm not confident enough to use the journal. It's like I'm afraid to be strong.

I guess we'll see.

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