Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day Six and I'm tired

So it's my second day off, and I don't work at all tonight, either. It's been a while since I've had two full days off, to be honest. I didn't know what to do with myself for a while today.

I write this as my cat, Coffee, whines. She's just now hissed and ran away. That cat is pissy that way, let me tell you.

I lay down earlier and read a bunch of Half Prince. It's a comic that I've been reading online and enjoying it very much. There are actually some twists! I just want the main character to end up with Gui. Long story that I'll save for another post. If I wake up in time today, I'll do two. If not, I'll write about it tomorrow.

I play an MMORPG called Perfect World International. I'm on the Dreamweaver server, though my characters are kind of numerous. It's not as open as some of the others I've played. Like LotRO. People don't really seem to randomly talk to one another, though that may just be the server that I'm on. I made it a point not to go to the new server.

The quest system of PWI is convoluted. I can't really navigate them very well. The classes are race and gender restricted. Clerics have to be winged elves. The Venomancer can only be a female Untamed (which is a beast type people). I have a Venomancer, Cleric, Assassin (tideborn female), blademaster and a wizard. I had an archer but I didn't really enjoy them very much. Again, archers can only be winged elves.

So now you all know I'm an avid gamer. I love video games. Almost strictly RPG-types. I like the character depth, the storylines... like the Tales series, Final Fantasy, and all of those.

But now it's time for a nap. My feet are like little icecubes and my cats and husband are ready to hunker down for a little wint'ry hibernation.

See you on the waking end.

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