Friday, January 22, 2010

Day 22 and there's a lot going on!

I missed a few days, but that's all right. This thing is really just for me, isn't it?

At work, I was offered a new position. It was a move down on the pay scale, and that's just fine with me. I hate where I am that much. Yes, that much. It wasn't much of a cut anyway. Twenty cents. No big deal since I recently received a raise in November.

So I'll start this new position in a couple of weeks and I cannot wait. No more doing what I do! Maybe my creativity will come back. I can tell you that the women I'll be working directly under won't like it. They have a thing against giving their minions a last break. You can bet your buttons that I'll be getting my last break.

I'm actively researching faiths. Right now it's Wicca, since I was into that before. It's refreshing and a little nervewracking to be looking into this again. I was the best person I could be when I was Wiccan without being held down by fear. It was freeing and full of love and light. That's what faith should be.

The biggest hindrance is finding an active forum upon which to speak to like-minded people. I could try Y!chats, but ... those are more often filled with people who want to be this or that for the wow factor, you know? Anyone who's been on Y!chats knows. And only too well.

I thought I'd put in a little update. So there it is. Good night, Moon.

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